April 2024
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Facebook Account – Ken

For those that care, this is to inform all Saigon Kids that I have deactivated my Facebook account due to privacy reasons. I am still registered at Classmates and will remain active there until I begin reading that they too are selling information to third parties. If that becomes the case, I will leave that site as well.

My email address is available to SKs on the Saigon Kids site should anyone wish to contact me. And I have no objections if Bob gives my email address to SKs who ask for it and he knows or can properly identify.

Regards to all – Ken

1 comment to Facebook Account – Ken

  • Ken – that’s why I’ve never added Face Book to this Blog site – privacy and hacks. MySpace is the same way. However, I do use Face Book and other such social networks on some of my commerical sites. But, there are a number of safeguards and protections that have to be implemented to maintain privacy – alias email addresses, php redirects, multi-layered filters, etc. etc… all of which is way beyond the everyday Joe (or Ken – lol) who opens a Face Book account.

    THIS BLOG’s POLICY ON SHARING EMAIL ADDRESSES : When people ask me for another SKs email address, I don’t give it to them. Instead I send the person a email letting them know that *X* SK wants to get in touch with them, and provide them with the requesters email address (if they’ve given me premission to do so). It is then up to them if they want to contact the person who wants to get in contact with them. Hence, their privacy is protected.

    Also, one of the reasons I added Google Friends Connect to this site is that it allows SKs who have joined the site through it to send a *message* to another SK without the receiving party’s email address being given out unless they want to give it to the party sending them the message when they reply to the message – hence, email addresses are protected allowing each person to decide for themself if they want to give out their email address or not, etc.

    Rock Onnnn …

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