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By Admin

Many of you have inquired about how I’m doing. Hence this update. But, first thank you for your concerns, prayers and support. Very much appreciated!

I realize it has been several months since I posted an update – last was September 2017. Once you read this post you’ll understand why.

Here are links to my previous posts for those of you who want to refresh your memory.




It has been a wild ride health wise the last several months. Quick recap …

June 23, 2017 had a chest X Ray which showed numerous abnormal nodules in both my lungs, which triggered a CT scan, which triggered being referred to a Lung Specialist, which triggered a PET/CT scan in August 2017 that showed *uptake* in both lungs. All results stated “… cancer can not be ruled out …”.

Lung Specialist took the position that I had cancer in both lungs and based on other symptoms determined a high probability it was small cell stage 4 cancer. Recommended invasive type biopsy’s to make a final diagnosis.

While all this is going on I’d been coughing up large amounts of mucus and blood multiple times daily and nightly.

Finding myself lost in the maze of *USA health care* I got on the Internet and started researching the scientific medical literature; and, did what I usually do when faced with problems to solve that I’m not knowledgeable about — surround myself with experts. I contacted 7 friends and associates who are in the medical field. They in turn started pointing me to information and referring associates who are highly regarded medical specialist to me. Over the next 10 days a network of 83 people (from Stanford, UCLA, Harvard, Mayo, Cleveland medical centers as well as numerous lesser known medical institutions) evolved funneling reams of information to me. All total they pointed me to 458 postings in the scientific medical literature. Several requested I send them my test results and other medical information so they could review and give me their opinions and recommendations – which I did.

After reading 156 papers that have been published in the medical journals, I found 51 entries that said:

“The current standard-of-care for confirmatory diagnosis of suspicious nodules is to perform an invasive, often risky and expensive, biopsy. Unlike other types of biopsies, lung biopsies can result in significant complications and, in some cases, mortality. This is especially true in older patients with co-morbidities. For the average patient, a lung biopsy has a higher likelihood of leading to a serious complication than of confirming lung cancer.”

I also discovered there are 7 other *non-invasive* alternatives that have no risk of complications for confirming cancer, etc.

I brought my findings to the attention of the Lung Specialist and advised them I would not consent to invasive biopsies, nor would I consent to Chemo, radiation, and/or surgery should cancer be confirmed.

This irritated the Lung Specialist, but they agreed to use non-invasive no risk methods to confirm cancer,etc. They didn’t take kindly to me printing out *chapter and verse* and shoving it under their noses while asking, “Why haven’t you made me aware of this information?!”

During my research I’d discovered an Old Order Amish healer’s treatment for lung cancers. It consist of drinking certain juices and eating certain fruits, vegetables and herbs. I figured it can’t hurt me, and just might help me, so started it.

October 10, 2017 I had a 3 month follow up CT scan done. It showed all nodules in both lungs had *resolved* (meaning they were gone), with the exception of 1 in my left lung and 1 in my right lung, along with an unknown *mass* in upper right area of right lung — all of which had remained unchanged since the July 6, 2017 CT scan.

I sent a copy of the 10/10/2017 CT scan to the Lung Specialist requesting their review, opinion and advise. They responded by giving me 30 days notice that they were terminating with me since I would not do what they say, when they say, how they say etc etc. I advised them it was my health, my body, my life and my choice — then fired them (this was the 2nd Lung Specialist team).

Basically, they got pissed off that I put a stop to there endless *testing* (witch hunt for cancer) with expensive, high risk invasive tests, which always seemed to come back with *cancer can not be ruled out* and recommended another test, etc. — they’d racked up $98,000+ in testing costs by the time I stopped them.

Fortunately, in the mean time I’d hired 3 other lung specialist for multiple opinions.

While waiting for the lab results from the non-invasive tests, I continued with the Amish self treatments at home.

On December 6, 2017 the daily coughing up of large amounts of mucus and blood suddenly stopped.

I was feeling great until …

ER pixOn January 6, 2018 at about 3 a.m. I woke up having a hard time breathing. By 6:30 a.m. my breathing became extremely difficult, so I called 911. Was taken to ER. They determined I had pneumonia, resulting in my right lung being about 75% collapsed. I was then transferred to ICU. Additional testing found I had congestive heart failure. Heart was only pumping blood out at 15% (should be 50-60%).

They drained 1.5 liters of fluid from around my right lung.

This wasn’t funny at the time but afterwards is one of those priceless experiences we encounter from time to time.

When the Paramedics came it was minus 12 degrees outside with a wind chill factor of minus 20 degrees. Snowy, icy and heavy winds. All went well until they got me to the hospital. They opened up the back doors of the ambulance to roll the gurney out to take me into ER. BUT … all 4 wheels on the gurney locked up for unknown reasons. So there I was laid out on the gurney with 35 to 40 mph sub zero winds whipping through the ambulance, while the 4 paramedics are trying to get the wheels unlocked. They were beside themselves! Finally after about 10 minutes of screwing with it, one of them asked me if I thought I could climb down the steps out the side door of the ambulance if they assisted me. To which I replied … “DO IT BEFORE I FREEZE!” So they spent the next 5 minutes unhooking everything they had me hooked up to, and getting me off the gurney and out the side door, into a wheel chair. Where they hooked me back up to the machines and oxygen, etc. before wheeling me into ER. I wish I’d been able to video this event. None of the paramedics had ever had this happen to them before. The looks on their faces were priceless.

I spent 8 days in ICU confined to bed.

Finally, on January 14th was released and spent the next 2 months on Home Care.

Had a follow up Echo-gram done in March. Showed improvement with heart pumping blood out at 25%.

All the time I was in the hospital and under Home Care they were over medicating me. By mid March finally got that corrected. And, down to a minimum dosage of 1 heart pill and 1 blood pressure pill (they work together or I’d get rid of the blood pressure pill too).

I’m treating heart condition with diet and nutrition (Whole Food Plant Based), Royal Canadian Air Force 5BX exercise program, and minimal mediation.

Had a follow up CT scan done March 15, 2018 showed lungs all clear with the exception of the 1 nodule in left lung, and 1 in right lung, and unknown mass in upper right lung — all unchanged since July 6, 2017 CT scan.

Over all I’m feeling great, but have to watch physical activity … get winded if over do it. Working on building up my stamina.

Once I get my heart up to 40%+ pumping out blood, I’ll be out of the high risk zone of dropping over of a heart attack at any moment. I’m scheduled for a visit with the Cardio doctor in June. And, a follow up Echo-gram September.

They wanted to do stents and a pace maker, but after researching these, given the extremely high short and long term risks associated with them. No thank you! Plus, stents are medicated with *Chemo*. And, neither of these procedures address and correct the root cause of the heart failure.

With all the tests they performed on me while in ICU they *did not find any cancer*! (Note: It’s a damn good thing I did the research and put a stop to the invasive biopsy’s the Lung Specialist wanted to do. As given the fact I had a serious heart condition that they were not aware of -nor was I- it’s a certainty I would have experienced serious complications from the biopsy’s they wanted to do, etc.)

So as it stands now, I do not have cancer. But, I do have congestive heart failure.

To date the medical bills are at $508,289.14, and more are still on the way to me.

I must say I’m appalled at what they call *health care*, the over testing, over treatment, and over medicating. I’ll post some articles in the future about some things I learned about our health care in the USA while experiencing my health issues, etc. Maybe the information will be of benefit to some of you.

Again, thank you for your prayers, concerns and support. Very much appreciated.

Until next time …

Rock Onnn…. Saigon Kids™


25 comments to DOES BOB HAVE LUNG CANCER?! (UPDATE 6/4/18)

  • Gene Weinbeck

    Wow. What a story! Thanks for sharing. And for educating us/me.

  • Kenneth R. Yeager

    1. I hope you have a good health insurance.
    2. I sincerely hope you are feeling better.
    3. There is an excellent lung clinic here in my village.
    4. Health care in Germany is MUCH less expensive than in the US and very good.
    5. Flights to Germany are not that expensive.

    Damn, what a trip. I know doctors and hospitals in the US are good but they are profit-driven. Not so here. Recall my triple-bypass in 2010 and how much less expensive it was compared to the US.
    Just saying. Take care.

    • Ken – Thanks for your kind words. Much appreciated. You are absolutely correct about health care in USA being *profit driven*. It’s all about profit and using excessive fear tactics to milk people for everything their insurance will pay. I’ll write more about my experiences later. Maybe others will find the information beneficial.


  • Suellen O Campbell

    Bob, you ARE rockin’ on!!!!!! What a story and what determination you have! So thankful things are looking much better. You are an inspiration for us all.
    I am sure you have already heard thousands of personal stories by now, but I want to tell you my sister-in-law was diagnosed with CHF 6 years ago. She has been and is still at 20-25%. They wanted to do a pacemaker and she refused so the dr. “fired” her. Got a new dr., no pacemaker, and she is doing okay. She lives in an assisted living community (for other reasons) and has a DNR on her chart, but will probably out live us. She is not physically active, but that is her life and her choice.
    Thankfully, you are making better ones for yourself and will keep on keeping on! Thank you for sharing the good news, Bob. You amaze us on many levels.

    • Suellen – Hugs back at you! Thank you for you comments and words of encouragement. Glad you sister in law is doing good. Unfortunately, I’ve found the majority of doctors do the same as your sister in law’s doctor did — if you won’t agree to let them treat you with high risk procedures, etc. for their own self profit and gain they refuse to continue with providing care for you.

      Have a great day.


  • Barbara L. Parker AKA Bootsie

    Oh my! Where did you find the courage? Glenn and I are so very glad that the cancer is under control, if not gone forever. Come what may, it sounds like you can keep ahead of it.
    Our very best to you,

  • Candice Busa

    Thank goodness that you were pro active on your health. It is sad that the health system is what it is and I would say a majority of doctors practice “cover your ass” medicine. Continue to heal and take care of yourself. regards, Candice

    • Thanks Candice! YES, you are right on target about *CYA* medicine. Add to that they only recommend to patients what is MOST profitable, and not what is in the best interest of the patient.


  • Carolyn

    Bob, so thankful you are alive and kicking! As a nurse I also believe there is too much testing and over-medicating. Research and Evidence-Based Treatment is essential. Educating oneself or getting educated by reliable health care practitioners is key! Praying for a complete recovery for you.
    Best wishes, Carolyn (Am Community School, Saigon, Fall semester 1964)

    • Thank you for your kind words, Carolyn! Yeppers, either become an informed consumer or as the saying goes … if the illness doesn’t kill you the treatment will … 🙂


  • Franklin Stoddard

    Bob, As that song we both used to listen to in Saigon…”I am the Man” should have said “YOU are the Man”.

    • Frank — Gotta love the BO … 🙂 Interesting how the Bo Diddley BEAT is still to this day the core of all Rock’n Roll music. Brings back memories of the first day we met at Deny and Veny’s and we spent a couple hours rapping about Bo Diddley and Rock’n Roll. FYI I still have the Bo Diddley LP that I had in Saigon. The one we played and sat around listening too for hours in Saigon. In fact I still have all the 45’s and LP’s I had in Saigon.


  • Ruth Matteson Blackmore


    Good for you for being so on top of your own health care. Try to use only natural products myself and no drugs!! My partner is suffering heart issues because he refused to have the operation to correct an electrical connection with his heart and also dealing with Parkinson’s. He hates the medical establishment but had to give in to meds for the Parkinson’s. I wish you continued success for solving your health issues. Thinking of you and may we all be as strong as you are.

  • Jay Oyler

    Bob, glad to hear you’re doing well. As with the rest, your story was quite educational and inspirational.

  • H. Clark

    Bob, you are certainly an inspiration to us. So courageous and best of all, really kicked butts. I pray for your speedy recovery. Having a patient at home, I know exactly what you have gone through in your experiences thus far, all the CT scans, doctors, and nurses, minus the 12 degrees outside and over 15 minutes on the gurney, then climbed down the steps out the side door of the ambulance. I would have been pronounced DOA in that freezing cold weather in early January. BBRRRR!! And just talking about the doctors’ charges, before the medication costs and methods, I have seen invoices sent in the mail for one 30-minute visit at $800, six 5-minute visits at $658 each in which the patient is informing the doctor when it should be the other way around, then next forty CT guidance at $458 each, etc. Still don’t know if it worked, maybe one year and a half from now! While at the cancer center, I have read and learned through many articles about all kinds of treatments out there. It feels a bit better to know you are not the only one dealing with this insidious disease. I met a few nice people who came in for treatments at the center, one of whom is the president of Granny Goose (it’s now all health food manufacturing). Had many conversations with him while he waited for his turn. He told me a lot of people you see might have cancer but didn’t know. He didn’t. It was by pure chance he found out he has melanoma. Every morning, for over a month he came in for a radiation treatment which he described lasted only 27 seconds each.

    Please keep us posted on your endeavors to full recovery.

    Stay strong!

    • Huong – Thank you for your kind words and well wishes. Much appreciated. You and yours are in my prayers always. Keep the faith. This too shall pass. 🙂

      Peace be with you.






  • Frank

    Bob, When I read your comment about us listening to music together, many thoughts came swimming back to my mind. We would critic new songs and singers…we did like Conway Twitty I remember, but also in those many hours at either my house or yours of playing the record player, I remember our Moms. They always were there to “Chou Tow” to our needs. Soft drinks and mungie’s were always brought to us. I know they thought we were good for each other…you know how parents are worried about teenage guys. I guess we fooled them. LOL Not really. My Mom always thought the world of you. We even double dated to the 1960 Bastille Ball in “A White Sport Coat and A Pink Carnation”.They were good times..

  • Kevin Wells

    Wow, what an adventure. I am glad you remain in control. The Dr. Marcus Welbe style trust of the 1960s is long gone. Patients really can help physicians get better outcomes.

    Anyway, keep punching away at the problem and never ever give up.


  • Kathy Connor Dobronyi

    Bob, you are certainly a survivor in more ways than one. I’ve always been suspicious of the U.S. medical attitude towards cancer and the money to be made from suggested treatments.

    Relieved you turned your pain and worry into actions that put you more in control. Will continue to pray for you and your family. My attitude has always been to live until I die. You’re certainly doing just that. Continue to think well thoughts and stay with your program.

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