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Gilbert Medina Jr. Finds Saigon Kids

Wow I thought the world forgot us kids. I was in Saigon from 1962-1965. My three sisters Ruby, Patsy and Cynthia where with me in the Kinh Do when they blew it up. If I am not mistaking the film was Walt Disney´s Lady and the tramp.

If any of you remember we are that Hawaiian family that lived in Gia Ding.

I still have my Pass Port and ran into a few of the kids when I was in the army.

My family, mom and the girls, left Saigon on the 15th of Feb. 1965 with the Westmoreland family. Rip and I caused a major problem in Gaum. We jumped the fence and took off across the street to watch some kids skateboarding. When the MP´s caught up with us everyone was waiting in the plane already. Mrs. Westmoreland and my mother promised to give us a good whipping once we got to Honolulu.

I don’t know if anyone remembers the Herz Family. There father was picked put by the Viet Cong and never came home. We were living on the next street behind them. If anyone knows about there son Herby (that’s what I called him) please let me know.

Well that is enough for now. I still feel a lot of pain about Vietnam. It left memories that I still can’t shake off.

Gilbert Medina Jr.

**Admin Note:

Welcome home to your Saigon Kids family, Gilbert!! 🙂

Thanks for sharing your memories with everyone. Please feel free to visit often.

Everyone give Gilbert a BIG WELCOME!!! – 🙂

6 comments to Gilbert Medina Jr. Finds Saigon Kids

  • Kenneth R. Yeager

    I am always so pleased when another SK is found or discovers this site and Roy’s. Even though I didn’t know a number of the SKs who are signed up in this blog, I still feel close to all simply because we shared a piece of history.

    I hope that everyone who is a part of this site makes sure that they have contacted every SK that they know who have yet to sign up and make themselves welcome here.

    Bob, what ever happened to the Westmoreland daughter that you contacted? She still maintaining her privacy? Ken

    • Ken – She knows about the site and SK family. She is looking forward to the next *get together* of Saigon Kids and planning to attend. Maybe someone will take the bull by the horns and organize another SK get together. Mimi’s last attempt for NYC was a *flop* mainly due to lack of interest by all except a hand full of SKs.

  • Sandy Hanna

    Great to hear from another SK.

    I have a big photo loft in New York in SoHo and would be more than happy to host a get together if anyone wants to try to get this going again. Just let me know. Sandy Hanna

  • ron ryan

    Hi Gilbert- I looked you up in the 65 yearbook and you were in the 6th grade. I was in the 4th grade so we wouldn’t have seen each other. You’re sister would have been in the 9th grade with mine. Her name was Randeen Ryan. The 65 yearbook is a whole lot smaller than the 64. I have vivid memories from that time. I was at the theater when they blew it up. I remember well when Diem was assassinated, that was kind of scary. The memories come flooding back once I start writing. After the theater was bombed we got to watch movies with the troops, I forget exzctly where but I remember getting to drink black cherry soda. Too this day I love black cherry soda. Maybe you’ll get some healing by being on the site and connecting. Who would have ever thought 45 years ago that Saigon Kids would be connecting- even if we didn’t know each other personally, we know the experience. Good luck to you.

    • Kathy (Connor) Dobronyi

      Ron, It was wonderful to see your name and read your memories! I was your next door neighbor at 214A Yen Do.

      I was wondering about your sisters and have even done an entry about Randeen. I still remember her playing the piano in the living room.

  • KK German

    Hi Gilbert,

    I think we might have lived in the same compound? We flew out February 11, 1965, too. We played a lot with the Westmorelands as our parents had been friends from Fort Bragg days. Margaret was in the same class as my sister Jani.
    I remember playing in the street a lot. We played “guerilla warfare.” There were a couple boys who who would mimic the Beatles. We set up a stage at the end of the street and never tired of listening to “I Wanna Hold your Hand.” We went to see Hard Days Night at the theatre and Stevie W. swiped the poster out of the display case (oops).

    I remember the theater bombing but don’t remember when that was, exactly. Lady and the Tramp was playing. My sister and I had come back from the ladies room which was to the left of the screen and then the ladies room blew up. Apparently someone riding a bicycle in the back alley threw a grenade in the window. Very close call, we only just sat down in the second row and boom.
    It looks like your sister Ruby and I were in the same grade. I have only the 1964 yearbook to keep memories alive and never got a 1965 yb.

    KK German, nee’ Klingenhagen

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